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Why Brainway?


Immediate Availability

Talent has never been as scarce as it is today; any available people will always choose the well-funded and already established start-ups, leaving the newer companies at a disadvantage they can’t make up for. However, to successfully launch your business, you will need access to mutli-talented, creative, senior developers who can make the right decisions for you the first. We have that and more!


The Advantages of a Trusted Partner

Trusting a specialized, third-party R&D provider can kickstart your start-up through access to an elastic pool of high-quality experts. When you consider all the hidden costs behind building and managing your own development teams, this decision is a no-brainer!


Scale Production to Fit Your Needs

We understand that both your budget and the time spent getting you ready for market are key performance indicators for your project, so we are happy to be flexible with timing and production levels. There’s no longer any reason to worry about sacrificing your budget or risking your product development rate when we can increase or decrease production on our end.


A Learning & Growing Team

Our entire team dedicates themselves to expanding their experience and repertoire by working on a wide range of projects and technologies. Each member is constantly working on new products and learning more about the newest, best practices and cutting-edge technologies so they can increase their knowledge and expand their expertise to make the development process easier and more in depth.


Our Proven Track Record

We have solidified our commitment to building high-quality technological products time and time again, and that has allowed us to work with some of the best new start-ups and build a reputation all about success and active problem-solving.


Relevant Experiences & Competencies

While you may not have the resources or know-how to put together your own in-house team of developers and support staff, we have the professionals of every field that you may need to develop your product. In each project, you will have access to talented individuals


Operational Expertise

We know how to build products; we’ve done it countless times before. Our team has the operational experience necessary to help you successfully launch and maintain your MVP, while assisting you with all the requirements and compliance based on the required rules and regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA.


Part-Time Assistance

With a small R&D group, one of the worst things you can do is improperly staff your R&D team, either inefficiently overstaffing and costing your business more money than you are getting on your return. Let us build a team made up of part-time experts in only the areas you need so you can worry less about cost and more about building your business.

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Have a question in mind? Take a look below to see if your answer is here!


Would I be able to adjust my budget according to my company’s needs, or even temporarily pause the development process at any time?


Will all intellectual property (IP) belong to me?


Will the source code belong to me?


When will I be able to bring my own team on board?


How can I avoid Vendor Lock?


Will working with a third-party company like Brainway make finding investors more difficult?